How to train your Neanderthal.

Yesterday I was given a lift to a supermarket by my friend’s partner, I have been ill and was grateful to be able to get out.

At the entrance to the store, two young girls, perhaps thirteen years old, were interacting with each other using their phones, giggling and pointing at the screens. As we walked past my chauffeur stopped right in front of them, addressing them directly.

“Girls, girls,” he said in what he probably thinks is a jocular manner; “put your phones away,” before following me into the shop.

I froze for a moment unable to believe this creepy old man believed this is acceptable behaviour.

Today I am still seething with anger at his presumption, thinking of witty comebacks, but yesterday? Well yesterday the strong, bold woman I thought I was instantly became tiny, shrivelling with embarrassment, the many decades of conditioning plunging down on me. I slunk around the shop as fast as possible so that I could get home and away from the caveman.

I want to say that next time I will tell him off but truthfully I will probably avoid being near him from now on.